Colour In The Home

Colour In The Home

Throughout history colour has been used to enhance the quality of architecture and interior design.


The Greeks coloured their temples with ceramics extensively using blue, gold and ochre. Their interiors were brightly decorated with colourful frescoes of a secular nature.

The Romans adopted the Greeks’ use of colour externally and internally using bronze, marble and brightly coloured intricately arranged mosaics on floors and walls and trompe de l’oeil wall paintings as decorative features contrary to the fact that many decorators regard this as a contemporary decorative innovation.

The more affluent Byzantine, Islamic and Gothic interiors employed glowing exterior and interior colour combinations using mosaics and glass decoration creating a jewel like richness on their walls and furniture using rich tapestries and drapes for warmth around four poster beds and in doorways.


Historically colour used was a reflection of the times and spirit.




To use colour wisely we must have some basic knowledge of its physical structure and properties.

Colour is a property of light caused by wavelengths that the eye recognizes and the brain interprets, therefore light and colour are inseparable.

Colour and light are major factors in natural and man-made environments and can influence man’s psychological reactions and physiological balance and well-being.


beautiful living room

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